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English stories 5

Tento příběh napsala Veronika Dufková.

Story about new group



Jane is  a very good writer, she writes books and songs. Ben invited Jane to a dinner. Ben is a writer in the New York Times and he writes music reports. Once he has read Jane¢s songs and he liked them. He decided to give Jane¢s songs into the newspapers.


Kelly is a music manager and she read jane´s songs in the newspaper. She said about them to her friends – singers Alice and Peter. They made a single CD where Alice and Peter sing and Matt plays the guitar. Kelly gave the CD to the „Rock” radio station. And they began to play their songs in the radio. Teenagers liked the songs very must. Soon Jane, Peter, Alice and Matt loaded their own group and Kelly is their manager.


 Now their songs are played in the radios, they have recodered a lot of CDs, they have concerts, you can see them in many TV shows.


| Autor: Denisa Lamačová | Vydáno dne 18. 06. 2009 | 1866 přečtení |
| Počet komentářů: 2267 | Přidat komentář |
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