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English stories 4

Tento příběh je od Jakuba Rennera a Karla Gábera.

Story of Tom Barnes

Tom Barnes is the important man in world of sport. He race on bikes and he win four big appreciations. He loves it.  He was born on 17 of January 1975in Ottawa. He get the first bike, that he was five years old. At eight he school race. After school him a race. After year he was his first big appreciation. But them came horrible accident. In race he breaks his leg and arm. He stay in bet a long time, it was a terrible time for him. But in hospital he found a woman of his life, Nurse Kate. That he was healthy, it was on year after accident, he started race on bike again. He wins two big appreciations, but then he did pause in sport, because his daughters were born. Pause was long five years, but four years ago he was returned. He won his fourth appreciation, he was happy.

He with his family lives in Washington today. He has two children and big house and in garages a very good bike happy man.


| Autor: Denisa Lamačová | Vydáno dne 18. 06. 2009 | 1916 přečtení |
| Počet komentářů: 932 | Přidat komentář |
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