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English stories

V letošním roce jsme se s 9. třídou pokusili o velmi náročný úkol - zahráli jsme si na spisovatele! Ale nebyl to úkol vůbec jednoduchý, protože deváťáci psali své spisovatelské prvotiny v angličtině. Musím přiznat, že jsem byla moc překvapená, když jsem si doma příběhy pročítala. Proto by bylo sobecké nechat si je jen pro sebe a doufám, že se na mě autoři nebudou zlobit, když tu ty nejzdařilejší zveřejním. Samozřejmě, že příběhy nejsou bez gramatických chybiček, ale i tak si myslím, že stojí za to si je přečíst. Všechny texty jsem odeslala do soutěže pro cizojazyčné studenty do Londýnského časopisu.

Na závěr bych chtěla pochválit všechny, kteří se na projektu podíleli a poděkovat jim za jejich snahu a práci. Hodně štěstí v soutěži!

První soutěžní příběh je od Lucie Krkonoškové a Martina Mikulky.



 Luke Tanner has just cooked his favorite soup, when he has reminded his mum. His mum also cooked  him this soup.


 Let’s start from the beginning. Luke was born on 23th May 1978 in Southwater in England. He grew up in a poor family, he has never known his father. They had a small old house. He served out as a cook and after school, when he was adult, he started to work in a local pub as a cook. Two years later his mother died because of a serious dissease. He felt lonely and very sad, but his life changed next holiday…


,,Do you want to go to Marseille to France with us, Luke? Me and my friends want to go to France for part time job in a hotel. I think, it will be great, so let’s go.‘‘, said Simon, my friend. I agreed. I went with them. On holiday we went to a harbor Marseille by a ship. There we worked in naval galley. In Marseille I found a work in the hotel’s restaurant as a helping cook. We enjoyed our holiday, earned some money and went back to England, but I wanted to stay in Marseille. When I came back to England, I sold my small old house and I moved to Marseille .I bought a small flat near my job and started to work as a barman in the lounge bar. I was satisfied, but it wasn’t ever there. My life turned inside out, when I met Nellie. I was at work, when a pretty girl came to my bar. She ordered a cocktail. I was nervous, so I poured out cocktail on her! It was embarrassing. I apologized and  invited her for lunch to my flat. Nellie agreed. After lunch Nellie praised me, how well I cook, and she asked me: ,,Do you want to work in my father’s restaurant in Paris? Your lunch was delicious!’’ .I thought about it for a while and I agreed. I rented my flat in Marseille to somebody and I took a lot of money in a bank for a new flat, which I bought in Paris in Avenue des Champs Elysees – there is the restaurant of Mr. Dussollier. I had a great work, I cooked in a prestige restaurant of Mr. Dussollier. Nellie worked in father’s restaurant as a manager and I fell in love with Nellie. My friend Simon visited me in the restaurant, we had a chat and I talked to him, how good times I have. Simon decided to stay in Paris and find a new job.


I finished the soup, set the table and looked at the watches. I feel great – I have best friend Simon and I love Nellie and Nellie loves me. ,,Where is Nellie?’’ I asked myself. It’s 7 o’clock in the evening and I invited Nellie for a romantic dinner, but Nellie has delayed. I waited for her 15 minutes and  phoned her, but Nellie didn’t answer the phone. I decided to go to Nellie’s flat. I knocked her door and Nellie opened them. ,, What’s happened Nellie, why you are crying?!’’ Nellie looked at me. ,,It happened something terrible……my……my…..my dad is…….dead!!’’ She was very desperated and sad. ,, What?! It isn’t possible!! How did it happen?! ’’She said me:,, Police phoned me two hours ago and they told me, they found my father’s body in his house, he was murdered and the thief has stolen my father´s girlfriend jewellery and some money!! I can´t believe it! ‘’ We talked about it till night. We went to bed at 1 a.m. . Another day we went to police station and  wanted to know all the details about dad’s murder. Policeman talked to us: ,,Your father was murdered with a gun, at 3 o’clock in the afternoon and the offender is unknown, we are starting the investigation. We will have to ask you some questions: ,, Where were you yesterday at about 3 o’clock in the afternoon? Did your father have some enemies? Do you know somebody, who has a gun?’’ ,,Yes, I have Revolver 38 Special. ‘’ ,,Really? Killer had the same gun, like you.’’ Nellie said: ,, It’s strange. What did you do yesterday, Luke?’’ ,,Perhaps you don’t think, that I have done it?! I repaired my old car. And then I cooked a dinner for us, but you didn’t come, because of the murder.’’ Policeman: ,, Do you have any eye witness?’’ ,,No, I haven’t. But I haven´t  done it.’’ Policeman: ,, We need your gun for verification. Can you give us your gun, Mr. Tanner?’’ ,,Yes, here it is.’’ Policeman: ,,Ok, thanks, you can go home. Bye’’.

Next day the Police phoned me and invited me to the police station. They said me: ,, Cartridges from your a gun is identical like cartridges from the body of  Mr. Dussollier. It does mean, that you  had to kill Mr. Dussollier. You must go to the detention, you are the main suspected from the murder.’’ ,,How…?What…..but I didn’t kill him!! You must believe me! There were 6 cartridges in my gun and I didn’t shoot in last many months ago. ’’ Policeman: ,, No, two cartridges are missing. You must go to the detention and you must give us your DNA, because behind the nails of Mr. Dussollier was found somebody’s skin.’’


1 week later…..

I have spent one week in the detention. My flat has been rubbered, I have lost my photos with Nellie, my notebook, my diary and other things. Police has found a lot of overhear’s bugs and a false key from my door. Somebody has overheard me! It was shocking. My neighbours have seen a man, which has stood in front of my door of my flat and he has held something in his hands. Industrial camera has recorded the thief and his dark blue car with number plate. Police has stated, who has been the thief. I haven’t believed it. Police talked to me: ,,We found the thief and murderer, we stated Simon Arts. Do you know him?’’ ,, Simon Arts?? Are you sure? He is my friend. Can I see him?’’ Policeman: ,, Yes, of course. Here is his photograph.’’ I: ,, Yes, this is him.’’ Police found Simon according to his number plate on his car. He had my things in his flat. Police has found materials with the recordings from overhear  bugs, from my flat. Simon was going to my flat for four months and I didn’t know anything about it. Police was hearing my neighbours and they said, they often saw a man, which often went to my flat, but they didn’t said anything about it to me neither police, because they thought, he is my room-mate. ,,And now sit down please,’’ said the policeman and he continued ,, we found the jewellery, which was stolen in the Mr. Dussollier´s house, in Simon’s flat. And you are not guilty, because your DNA isn’t according to DNA behind the nails of Mr. Dussollier. DNA behind the nails  is identical to Simon’s DNA! So the murderer is Simon Arts. We were hearing him and he confessed to murder, because we have a lot of proofs. We are sorry, you may go home.’’ Simon went into prison in England for 20 years, because it was a brutal murder. I was disappointed, because I believed him and now I have lost my best friend. I never saw him again. When I came back home, I was very happy, I phoned Nellie and  said her all about it. We met in a restaurant near Eiffel Tower and we did do a very nice evening, we were talking about everything. After 2 months Nellie moved into my flat and we kept the restaurant after Mr. Dussollier’s death together.


| Autor: Denisa Lamačová | Vydáno dne 18. 06. 2009 | 2359 přečtení |
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